Offerspill weekly roundup #3
#Konkurranser #Magnus CarlsenWe are back with a short update on this week's events. Top Chess Engine Championship In our previous column we wrote about how engines…
Offerspill weekly roundup #2
#Magnus Carlsen #Nyheter #KonkurranserWe are back with a short update on this week's events. Magnus Carlsen on Unibet and the future of chess Recently journalist and GM…
Offerspill weekly roundup
#Konkurranser #Magnus Carlsen #NyheterWelcome to the first edition of Offerspill's brand new weekly column where we will provide you with some more or less interesting chess-related news…
Fagernes Chess International
#Partikommentarer #TurneringerOne of the strongest open tournaments in the Nordic region started sunday the 4th of October, even though it was scheduled to start during Easter. After…
Success in Stavanger
#Konkurranser #Partikommentarer> Offerspill has qualified for the Norwegian Top Division! Offerspill will face off against the best teams in Norway this upcoming season after winning the qualification…
Memorable results
#Konkurranser #PartikommentarerTwo of our most promising players GM Johan-Sebastian Christiansen […
From Latvia with love
#Offerspill #Partikommentarer #TurneringerOfferspill Nordic Invitational [] was a blast! The tournament was held from the 21st of August until the 29th…
Konge på egen haug
#Magnus Carlsen #Konkurranser #NyheterFinalen i Magnus Carlsen Chess Tour [] ble spilt 13. - 20. august mellom kamphanene Magnus Carlsen og Hikaru Nakamura. Etter å…
Sesong 2: Oppsummert
#Offerspill Chess League #KonkurranserAndre utgave av Offerspill Chess League ble nylig avsluttet med samme vinner som forrige sesong - Gvein viste seg igjen overlegen og vant en kontrollert seier…
Hjemmeseier på bortebane
#Turneringer #PartikommentarerOfferspill Bergen Hurtig [] ble en stor suksess. Takket være glimrende arrangører og pliktoppfyllende deltakere ble smittevernreglene overholdt uten…