Offerspill School of Chess
Starting Monday 25. we will have instructional streams with a strong player tutoring an "amateur" in chess. The tutor will watch the student play…
Offerspill Adopts Ellen
Starting this week, and weeks to come, our beloved streamer WFM Ellen Fredricia Nilssen will take on some of Offerspill's strongest players! We can…
An Advent of Chess
We are repeating the success from last year and will also this year have an advent calendar with 24 chess puzzles – one for each day in…
The finals are here!
After two amazing semi-finals the players for the bronze final and the final are ready: On Wednesday, follow the bronze final between GM Jesper Thybo and…
Introducing - Offerspill Online League
On Monday, October 19th we will start a new league system that will replace the previous Offerspill Chess League. The inaugural season of Offerspill Online League…
Announcing TalentOffer Cup
Offerspill is proud to announce our newest concept - TalentOffer Cup! This is a knockout cup with 8 players from our talent program who will compete…
Høringssvar til lov om ny pengespillov
Offerspill har siden opprettelsen vært tydelige på hva vi mener om norsk spillpolitikk og finansiering av idretten og sjakken spesielt. Derfor valgte vi, da det ble…
Norges beste onlineklubb
På lørdag 3. oktober arrangerer Offerspill turneringen Norges beste onlineklubb! Slik fungerer det: - 10 klubber/lag konkurrerer mot hverandre - Hvert lag kan stille med…
Offerspill covers Kragerø Grand Prix
This weekend, from 4th-6th September, Offerspill will cover the Norwegian over the board tournament Kragerø Grand Prix. The tournament plan is 2 rapid games on friday…
Sjakklørdag for barne og unge
På lørdager i høst vil Offerspill Sjakklubb i samarbeid med Titan Fekteklubb arrangere Sjakklørdag i Hovsterhallen i Oslo. Tilbudet vil være med trener Eirik Aarnes og…