Offerspill Online League

Offerspill news - week 12

#Champions Chess Tour #Magnus Carlsen #Jesper Thybo

World Champion Magnus Carlsen finished third in the recently finished Magnus Carlsen Invitational []. Meanwhile, Jesper Thybo has been playing a top tournament in…

Joachim B Nilsen

Offerspill news - week 11

#Champions Chess Tour #Magnus Carlsen #Jesper Thybo

A new tournament in the Meltwater Champions Chess Tour is underway. At the same time we are halfway in the March season of the Offerspill Online…

Joachim B Nilsen

Offerspill news - week 10

#Magnus Carlsen #News #Offerspill Online League

This week's update consists of a short recap of our weekly tournament and a reminder not to miss Puzzlemania (!) this week. Most importantly, though,…

Joachim B Nilsen

Offerspill news - week 9

#Magnus Carlsen #Jesper Thybo #Offerspill Online League

Jesper Thybo has been playing tournaments in Serbia recently - and even won one of them. The online Bundesliga was not a huge success last week,…

Joachim B Nilsen

Offerspill weekly roundup #5

#Magnus Carlsen #Konkurranser #Offerspill Online League

This weekly update will focus on several tournaments that concluded this week. Remember to follow Offerspill on social media while you are at it! Facebook [https:…

Joachim B Nilsen